Rules of the Artist Association
1§ The name and domicile of the association
The name of the association is Joensuun Taiteilijaseura Ry and the dominicile of the association is the city of Joensuu. The association's operating area is Pohjois-Karjala.
2§ The objective
The purpose of the association is to promote and maintain the professional status of artists and general conditions of their activities. The aim is also to make the work and art of the association's artists known locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
In addition, the association promotes the enhancement and development of recreational art.
3§ The function
To fulfill its purpose, the association organizes art exhibitions, workshops, courses, makes art and culture-promoting initiatives, engages in awareness-raising, holds meetings, lectures, seminars and open forums. The association manages an art lending service.
To reach this goal, the association can receive donations, benefits, wills and hold raffles. The association can own and manage fixed and movable property. The association may become a member of national and international organizations and bodies whose membership promotes the interests of its members.
The association's purpose is not to generate profit or other economic advantage.
4§ Members and membership fees
One can join the association as an artist member if they accept the goals of the association and are willing to further them, and have proven their qualification as an artist. The annual meeting determines the Board of Directors' qualification requirements and the conditions for admission.
The Board of Directors reviews applications and decides on admission. The amount of the membership fees are fixed by the annual meeting for the next calendar year.
One can join the association as an amateur member if they accept the goals of the association and are willing to further them.
The Board of Directors can accept anyone as a supporting member, be it an association, a company, a society or a similar organization.
In addition, the association may on the proposal of the Board of Directors, invite domestic or foreign people who have been particularly successful in achieving the purpose of the association, as honorary members.
For approval as a Honorary Member, a majority of 4/5 votes is required, the votes cast by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors can, when need be, decide on additional, voluntary membership fee.
5§ Resignation or dismissal of a member
The membership ceases when a member declares that they resign from the association in accordance with the Association Act.
The member is free from the Artist Association's membership at the end of the month during which he or she informs the Board of Directors or the chairman of their resignation in writing, or announces their resignation at the association meeting.
The Board of Directors can dismiss a member on a unanimous decision, based on the member's neglect of the terms of the Artist Association. The member has a right to be heard orally or in writing before the final decision is made.
The member is deemed to be dismissed if they fail to pay the membership fees for two years, and neglect the debt collection two times.
The dismissed member can be admitted again if they pay the due amount.
6§ The Board of Directors
The Artist Association matters are tended by the Board of Directors determined in an annual meeting, which consists of five artist members or their alternate counterparts.
A quorum is reached by the presence of three members. The Board of Directors operates for two years. Half of the members can retire annually.
The Board of Directors are to choose a chairman, vice chairman, a secretary and a treasurer. The secretary and the treasurer can be picked outside of the board.
The chairman or the vice chairman can summon a meeting when they deem it necessary or when half of the board demand it.
The board can name other officials or councils.
The Board of Directors has a quorum when at least half of its members, including the chairman or vice chairman, are present. Votes are decided by the simple majority. In the case of a tie, however, the chairman shall have the casting vote. In elections, a die will be cast. Amateur member representative can also attend board meetings.
If a board member resigns during their term, a vice member will be chosen.
Duties of the Board of Directors include:
The Board of Directors represent the association and are responsible for the proper organization of the association's activities in accordance with the laws and the rules of the association.
Monitor and manage the internal activities of the association
Implement the decisions of the Association meetings
Manage practical things, money and other property
Prepare and convene meetings of the association
Take initiatives to promote the association's activities
Choose new members
Carry out any other duties that the rules require of the board, or the duties determined by a held meeting.
7§ Signing the Association's name
The name of the association is signed by the chairman, a vice chairman or a secretary, two together.
8§ The finances
To support its activities, the association collects membership fees and applies for scholarships and grants. The association is entitled to acquire and manage fixed and movable property necessary for its operations to finance its activities.
The association can accept donations and wills. The association organizes art lending, fundraising, raffles, flea markets, with the appropriate permission. At an event organized by the association, the association may service food or drink after obtaining the appropriate authorization.
9§ The fiscal year and auditing
The fiscal year of the association is a calendar year.
The financial statements, together with the necessary documents and the annual report of the Board of Directors, must be submitted to the auditors at least one month before the annual meeting.
The auditors must submit their written statement to the Board of Directors no later than two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
10§ Calling an association meeting
Meetings of the association will be convened by the Board of Directors by letter or newspaper announcements or electronic communications at least 8 days before the meeting.
11§ Association meetings
The association holds annual meetings during March.
Every member is eligible for a vote has a right to vote once. The supporting members of the association or legal entities do not have a right to vote, however, a right to speak may be granted.
All the matters of which the association act or these rules do not order otherwise, shall be settled by an open vote and a simple majority, if holding a ballot is not supported.
In the case of a tie, in the elections or in ballots a die will be cast. In other matters, the opinion supported by the chairman.
If a member wishes to refer a matter to be resolved in the annual meeting, they must inform the board of directors, the chairman or the vice chairman in writing in no less than 30 days time before the meeting for the matter to be included in the annual meeting invitation.
12§ Annual meetings
The annual meeting will address the following issues:
Opening of the meeting.
Selection of the chairman and the secretary of the meeting.
Selection of two tellers and protocol examiners.
Statement of legality and quorum of the meeting.
The Rules of Procedure of the meeting are approved.
A financial statement, an annual report and the auditor's report are presented.
A decision is made to approve the financial statements and to grant discharge from the Board of Directors and other accountable persons.
Approving the plan of action presented by the Board of Directors for the following year.
Approving the revenue and expenditure budget and the amount of accession and membership fees will be fixed for the following year.
Election of members to replace the Board of Directors eligible for a discharge.
Determine admission requirements for admission as a member within the meaning of Section 4 of these Rules.
Election of the auditor and the deputy auditor for the following year.
Issues submitted to the meeting of the Board of Directors, which are mentioned in the invitation to the meeting.
Handling other matters presented in the invitation.
Closing of the meeting.
13§ An additional meeting
An additional meeting of the association is held when the Board of Directors deem it necessary or at least one-tenth of the members entitled to vote demand it in writing, in both cases, the meeting is only for the purpose of handling the matters mentioned in the invitation to the meeting. An invitation to the additional meeting shall be submitted by the Board via a newspaper announcement, by letter or electronic communication at least 8 days before the meeting.
14§ Amending the rules and dissolving the association
The decision to amend the rules and to dissolve the association shall be made at a meeting of the association by a majority of at least three quarters of the votes cast.
The invitation to the meeting must include a plan to amend the rules or dissolution of the association. If the association is dissolved, the association's funds will be used to promote the purpose of the association in the manner determined by the meeting deciding on the dissolution.
When the association is fabolished, its assets will be used for the same purpose.
15§ The Association Act
In all matters not mentioned in these rules or identified, act in accordance to the Association Act.