Apply for a membership

Apply for a membership


The members of the Joensuu Artists' Association can be either professional artist, amateur member, community or support members. When applying for membership, read the associations rules and the membership conditions they contain. The criteria for artist membership in 2024 are a university-level education of a visual artist in Finland or abroad, or membership in professional associations (eg Finnish Painters Union, The Association of Finnish Printmakers, The Association of Finnish Sculptors), or otherwise demonstrated competence and professional activity as a visual artist.

Amateur membership is applied for by filling out an application form and answering the question what kind of art you make?

Membership of the Joensuu Artists' Association is applied for on the website or with a printable membership application. The application must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae, pictures and

a brief description of why you want to join the association. It would be desirable for the attachments to be sent as a single pdf file by e-mail to [email protected]. The board of the Joensuu Artists' Association processes membership applications every six months.


Artist membership fee € 50.00 / year
Amateur membership fee 35.00 € / year
Support membership fee € 50.00 / year
Community membership fee € 110.00 / year

Printable form of application

Taiteilijajasenhakemus (pdf)
(Artist membership application)

Harrastajajasenhakemus (pdf)
(Amateur membership application)

The applications should be delivered to the Artist Association's office in Kirkkokatu 23, 80100 Joensuu.


Terms and conditions