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17.4. -5.5.2024, HIILI -SPACE

Luonto (nature) can mean e.g. creation; earth chamber and water and atmosphere with plants and animals, especially little or not at all as a human-modified habitat. It can also refer to the characteristics of a person, animal, object or matter, such as the basic quality of a person's character, or self-esteem, courage, guts.

Since the old days, the word has also had more mythological meanings - human nature has traveled with him, protecting and bringing happiness. Some people may also have been either particularly weak or strong-natured. Nature has sometimes also appeared as a human double.

In his acrylic paintings, Kai Krapu has approached the subject of nature with the multifaceted meanings of the word in mind. The canopies of trees reaching to the heavens and the stones and rocks of the soil, the nature of trees and plants, human nature - dreams and the nature of dreams have served as inspiration. The nature of art itself. In the works, subjective perception and emotion-based experience of both the surrounding and inner world strive towards the universal core of humanity.

Additional information from the artist
Kai Krapu, phone 044 537 3876

[email protected]