
Artcenter Ahjo, Sysi-space: Hannu Lukin

Hannu Lukin: The face of the past

Works from Spain, India and Liminga.

I painted in southern India in the state of Karnataka. The splendor of color was incredible, the local Hindus dressed in wild colors. Being illiterate, I looked for models on the street, processing them through painting. Nenuka's mother was one of the kindest people in the family. Baru was introduced as a second mother. I told myself that there is only one mother in Finland.

I went to paint in the village of Alora in Andalusia. The Romanies of Vuoristokylä were a model. Diago accidentally stole my cell phone, which he returned a week later. Warned me that there are a lot of pickpockets in the area.

The landscapes in this exhibition are from Spain and Liminga. When I showed my French friend Liminka landscapes, he asked where in Africa they were painted. The works are the splendor of autumn colors.

Welcome to marvel at hot colors!